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Interview with Gilder
Interview with Gilder
Me: Good Day!
Gilder: Same to you!
Me: Can I ask u a few questions?
Gilder: Go right ahead
Me: Ok First of all, Do you have any feelings for Clara?
Gilder: Hell no, that girl just kinda follows me. Its kinda annoying.
Me: I see...Second, have u ever thought of joining Vyse's Crew?
Gilder: Never because I have my own ship to look over.
Me: Who didn't you like of the cast of Skies?
Gilder: Well I got along with everyone except Osman.
Me: The others have said so too. What are your reasons?
Gilder: Well to start off, She would always act weird when us guys were around.
Also, she said"Just give me the sign and I can show you just how womanly
I am he..he.." which really sickens me.
Me: We have one last question everyone has been asking.
Why do you use a gun and not a sword or anything like that?
Gilder:Well I was never good at anything when I was younger
(starts sobbing)So I decided with a gun, I can never loose. YOU GOT THAT
Me:So your saying that you were never man enough to fight hand to hand?
Gilder: Shut UP!!!! Dance for m....!
Me:Aww Crap!(Runs away)
(Scene Ends)