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Here you will find almost everything you want for Skies of Arcadia.
Interview with Fina
SoA World : Hello, Fina, how are you today?
Fina : I'm fine, thank you!
SoA World : So, when making Skies of Arcadia, did you get along with everyone?
Fina : Yes, almost everyone.
SoA World : Almost everyone? Who didn't you get along with?
Fina : Well, mostly Osman... I just hate her so much! After she turned Aika and myself down for a loan, we kinda blew her store up.
SoA World : Well, that was not exactly called for, was it?
Fina : You WOULD of done the exact same thing.
SoA World : Really. Hmm.... Ok, one question we all wanted to ask is why the people of Ixa'Taka thought you were there god, Quetya?
Fina : Oh.... um.... well, before we started making the game, the makers took us to most of the places we would encounter during the game. When we went to Horteka, we all looked around the little town for the whole day. That night we went down to their tavern and got something to eat. They gave me some green looking drink. I think it was some sort of Loqua! I had about 4 glasses of it before I actually found out that it WAS Loqua. It went right to my head! I started tumbling around saying "I am Cupil! I AM CUPIL!!!" But my speech was really slurred and it came out "I am Quetya" I don't know how though.
SoA World : That sounds embarrassing...
Fina : Ha ha ha... well, it kinda was. I think I passed out. Next thing I remember was waking up on the couch on our ship. It's a lumpy one too.
SoA World : Heh... Now why did you say you were Quetya?
SoA World : Sorry... Now another thing everyone wants to know is if you have feelings for Vyse... do you?
Fina : I'm sorry, that might be part of the story for the sequel of Skies of Arcadia, if I was to tell you directly, I could be fired.
SoA World : Um... Why are you winking and shaking your head yes?
Fina : Um... um.... Like I said I can't tell you directly if I LIKE Vyse or if I DON'T like Vyse.
SoA World : Your still doing it.
Fina : You idiot. You just don't get it do you? I like Vy.... Forget what I just said.... ok?
SoA World : O.. Ok... What about Ramirez?
Fina : What about him?
SoA World : Did you like him?
Fina : He tried to KILL me, what do you think?
SoA World : Sorry... Now when the Great Silver Shrine crashed into Soltis, what was your reaction?
Fina : I thought it had some of the best special effects in the entire game! I liked it!
SoA World : I'm sorry, Fina, but those weren't special effects...
Fina : Wha.. What?!?!
SoA World : The Silver Shrine really crashed into Soltis..
Fina : Ohh Oh Nooooooooohoooohoohoooooooo Noooooooohoooo It can't be! Noooooo
SoA World : Um... I sorry I thought you already knew that.
Fina : Nooooooh... I'm sorry I.. I have to go... Nooooo.
<<Fina leaves>>
SoA World : Well, that almost went well!