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Interview with Aika


SoA World : Hello Aika, how are you today?

Aika : I'm great!

SoA World : Great! I have a few questions for you.

Aika : Okay! Let's hear 'em!

SoA World : Ok, first thing on everyone's mind, do you like Vyse?

Aika : Yes.

SoA World : What role would your love for Vyse have in a sequel to Skies?

Aika : I can't say.

SoA World : Oh, okay. What about Vigoro?

Aika : Ahh! I hate him! He is so.... weird.

SoA World : What would you do if I said he was here?

Aika : I would run away.

SoA World : What is with you and treasure?

Aika : Treasure?

SoA World : Yeah, Treasure.

Aika : Treasure?!? Where?!?

SoA World : No, I mean

Aika : Where is the TREASURE?!?!?!?

SoA World : There is no treasure.

Aika : Then why did you get my hopes up?

SoA World : But I didn't...

Aika : Hmph! What is the next question?

SoA World : Hmm... Okay...What the heck is up with your hair? I mean, you look like a freakin' scarecrow! How do you get through doors? Is there metal poles in there?

Aika : Just because they had to make the doors on Crescent Isle extra large is no reason to make fun of ME!

SoA World : I didn't make fun of YOU!

Aika : You said I looked like a scarecrow!

SoA World : I said your HAIR looked like a scarecrow.

Aika : I don't have to take this!

SoA World : Ok, okay... I...


SoA World : OH $#@&!

SoA World : *runs away*