Contacting us

     If you have a comment about the site, or something you'd like to add to the site, send us a message. Please don't send us any gameplay related questions, as they just pile up in my inbox and I rarely answer them anymore. Instead, ask your questions at our forums. Not a member there? Sign up! It only takes a minute, and it's a good place to waste time. :D You can e-mail me at


Linking to us

     If you would like to link to us, please link to : /index.htm and NOT to a page inside the site.

     Also, DO NOT link directly to any of our files without asking permission first. The only place you can use any of our material without my direct permission is on our forums. If you want to use anything on this site on your own site, contact me. Remember, with fan-made material such as art and fics, you will need to contact the author and get their permission first.

Becoming an Affiliate

    If you are interested in becoming an affiliate with SoAWorld, please contact us at
Remember that we are mainly interested in affiliating with other SoA sites, but Dreamcast sites are also welcome.

Here are our ad banners :

SoAWorld_SmallBanner.gif (7706 bytes)
(Animated) Affiliate Button. Size : 88x31
SoAWorld_banner.gif (30721 bytes)
(Animated) Standard size ad banner. Size : 468x60
SoAWorld_200x40_a.gif (5056 bytes)
(Non-Animated) Wide bodied 200x40
SoAWorld_88x31_b.gif (3224 bytes)
(Non-Animated) Affiliate Button. Size : 88x31